Rabu, 3 April 2019

Al - Andalus : Metropol Parasol, Seville

11 November 2018

Assalamualaikum and Hola!

Metropol Parasol is a wooden structure located at La Encarnación square, in the old quarter of SevilleSpain. It was designed by the German architect Jürgen Mayer and completed in April 2011.[1] It has dimensions of 150 by 70 metres (490 by 230 ft) and an approximate height of 26 metres (85 ft)[2] and claims to be the largest wooden structure in the world.[3] Its appearance, location, delays and cost overruns in construction resulted in much public controversy. The building is popularly known as Las Setas de la Encarnación (Incarnation's mushrooms).
Berjaya sampai kesini akhirnya. Selama ni dok baca and tengok dalam internet ja kan. Sebelum masuk beli tiket nak naik atas ni, kita singgah dulu isi tenaga dulu.

Kedai ni berdepan je dengan lokasi Metropol ni. Kita masuk duduk dalam sebab dekat luar penuh dah tak dak meja kosong

Beli ice cream ja pun, sebab lepas ni nak balik makan dekat rumah

Lepas setel rehat-rehat, update ig masing-masing sembang dengan kawan/family dekat Malaysia jom lah kita p beli tiket. Harga dia sorg E3 kot kalau tak salah. Masa kami sampai ni tak dak la que pun. Terus ja dapat beli. Tapi sebelum naik atas tu, kita ronda puas-puas dulu dekat bahagian bawah dia.

The structure consists of six parasols in the form of giant mushrooms ("Las setas" in Spanish), whose design is inspired by the vaults of the Cathedral of Seville and the ficus trees in the nearby Plaza de Cristo de Burgos. Metropol Parasol is organized in four levels. The underground level (Level 0) houses the Antiquarium, where Roman and Moorish remains discovered on site are displayed in a museum. Level 1 (street level) is the Central Market. The roof of Level 1 is the surface of the open-air public plaza, shaded by the wooden parasols above and designed for public events. Levels 2 and 3 are the two stages of the panoramic terraces (including a restaurant), offering one of the best views of the city centre

Model tetap meneruskan aktiviti disini tanpa penat lelah

Ok dah puas dekat bawah, jom naik lift untuk ke aras seterusnya. Dekat atas ni pun ada beberapa cafe untuk berehat santai menikmati pemandangan bandar Seville. Kami tak tengok pulak harga makanan dia sama ke tak dengan kedai dekat bawah tadi tu.

Lepas turun daripada sini, kami terus jalan kaki balik ke apartment untuk makan dan solat. Dipertengahan jalan tu jumpa Tesco, masuk kejap beli stok makanan. 
Location: Seville, Spain

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