Isnin, 20 Mei 2019

Al - Andalus : Sao Bento Railway Station, Porto

17 November 2018

Assalamualaikum and Ola!

Lepas dah pusing sekitar kawasan square tu, kami bergerak ke Sao Bento Railway Station. Sebelum sampai sana jumpa sebuah gereja dekat tepi square tadi.

Tak pasti masih berfungsi ke tak

Dekat Porto ini, kalau bangunan bersejarah semua ada panel macam ni. Boleh la dapat input pasal sejarah bangunan 

The São Bento Railway Station (PortugueseEstação Ferroviária de São Bento) is a 20th-century railway station in the civil parish of Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau e Vitória, in the municipality of Porto, district of Porto 
The project was entrusted to Porto architect José Marques da Silva, who designed a building under the influence of French Beaux-Arts architecture

Ini view daripada pintu masuk Railway Station. 

Masuk saja terus nampak jadual perjalanan train

Esok pagi kami akan mai sini jugak untuk naik train ke Coimbra

Dinding dalam dia memang penuh la tiles biru. Setiap panel ada cerita dia masing-masing. Memang leka la sebenarnya kalau dok belek satu satu panel dinding dekat sini.

There are approximately 20,000 azulejo tiles, dating from 1905–1916, that were composed by Jorge Colaço, an important painter of azulejo of the time.[1] The first tiles were placed on 13 August 1905.[1] To the left of the entrance is a scene depicting the Battle of Arcos de Valdevez and Egas Moniz before Alfonso VII of Castile, while to the right, is D. João I in Oporto, with his fiancé and the Conquest of Ceuta. On the border wall at the entrance are small panels depicting countryside scenes
Tak dapat nak faham sebab tak de dalam English. Tapi boleh la kalau nak tau lebih lanjut boleh cari dekat internet pasal cerita-cerita setiap dinding ni

Dekat sini pun ada penerangan, tapi dalam dok kata laaa..x dok dalam English

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