Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Al - Andalus : Igreja Do Carmo & Igreja Dos Carmelitas, Porto

17 November 2018

Assalamualaikum and Ola!

Lepas dah habis pusing dalam railway station tu, kami gerak ke salah satu port femes dan wajib ambik gambar dekat Porto ni. Kawasan ini daripada railway station ni agak memanjat jugak la. Tapi masih awal pagi masih segar dan bertenaga so tak jadi masalah. Ayuh kita!

Antara bangunan yang jumpa sepanjang perjalanan

Sunyi sepi pagi ini

Cantik sulam-sulam dalam kedai ni, nasib la tengok ikut tingkap saja sebab belum bukak. Kalau tak mau dah terbeli

The Igreja do Carmo and Igreja dos Carmelitas, at the corner of Praça de Carlos Alberto and Rua do Carmo, are two churches in Porto that stand almost side by side. 
The two churches are separated by a very narrow (1m wide) house that was inhabited until the 1980's. The house was built so that the two churches would not share a common wall and to prevent any relations between the nuns of Igreja dos Carmelitas and the monks of Igreja do Carmo.

Igreja do Carmo yang sebelah kanan, Igreja Dos Carmelitas sebelah kiri

The Igreja do Carmo was built between 1756 and 1768 in the rococo or late Baroque, style by a disciple of Nicolau Nasoni, Jose de Figueiredo Seixas. The Igreja do Carmo has an outstanding azulejo-covered exterior with the azulejos added in 1912. The tiles were made locally in Vila Nova de Gaia and designed by the artist Silvestro Silvestri. They depict scenes of the founding of the Carmelite Order and Mount Carmel. 
The exterior facade of the church is richly crafted with a rectangular portal, flanked by two religious sculptures of the prophets Elijah and Elisha carved in Italy. The interior of the church has a single nave with seven lavish gilt altars, the work of sculptor Francisco Pereira Campanha, as well as a number of fine oil paintings.
The Igreja dos Carmelitas, next door, is the earlier of the two churches and was built in the mid-17th century with the exterior completed in 1628. The church was part of a convent that no longer exists. The facade is done in granite with three arched entrances topped with statues. There is a single bell tower on the left, the top of which is covered with blue and white azulejos tiles.  
Tengok la azulejos tiles dia

Nasib kami sampai awal pagi dekat sini, memang tak dak orang. Masa lalu balik sebelah petang tu, ramai betul orang nak ambik gambar dekat sini

Hai! Lepas dah habis dekat luar, kami masuk dalam gereja dos Carmelitas. Sebabnya, salah sorang ahli jemaah yang baru join nak masuk bakar lilin untuk mak dia. 
(dia memang rakyat British dan beragama kristian)

The interior of the Igreja dos Carmelitas has a single nave with six ornately decorated side chapels. The white ceiling adds a special lightness to the interior aided by the many large windows. The organ has been restored thanks to in part from contributions from the general public.

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